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GH Actions feature page
- Feature page on GitHub
About Continuous Integration
- Guide in the GH docs
- GitHub Actions Marketplace
- GitHub Actions org on Github
- GitHub Actions community forums
- Intro to GitHub Actions blog post series
Custom GitHub Pages deploys made easy
- My blog post on how to use GitHub Actions to deploy use any tech stack (Python, Jekyll, Node) to build and deploy a static site or SPA to GH Pages.
- My blog post on how to use GitHub Actions to deploy use any tech stack (Python, Jekyll, Node) to build and deploy a static site or SPA to GH Pages.
Intro to GitHub Actions blog post
- Actions are completely free for every open-source repository and include 2000 free build minutes per month for all your private repositories which is comparable with most CI/CD free plans. If that is not enough for your needs you can pick another plan or go the self-hosted route.
- Actions are completely free for every open-source repository and include 2000 free build minutes per month for all your private repositories which is comparable with most CI/CD free plans. If that is not enough for your needs you can pick another plan or go the self-hosted route.
Usage limits
- On the free tier you can have 20 concurrent jobs. I guess 20 on one repo or 20 repos with one each.