



The tools listed here cover two areas:

  • CI - continuous integration. Like running quality control checks on a push or deploy, such as with CircleCI or GitHub Actions. So you can integrate code changes confidently to the codebase.
  • CD - continuous deployment. Like deploying your built package to a registry or deploying your site. The tools covered here focus on deploying a site which serves static website content generated by a static site generator like Jekyll or a SPA tool like React or Vue. Vercel gives you more control to run server side code like a Node or Python server. Netlify supports Functions which are serverless Lambda functions.

On choosing CD tools

Netlify, GitHub and CloudFare Pages will all use something like S3 and CloudFront internally to store files and serve that at speed around the world with cache. They might even use Amplify internally, who knows.

Netlify and GitHub Pages both let you set a custom URL you own at no cost.

GitHub Pages is less flexible. Netlify let’s you do Lambdas, user roles, add a CMS on the same domain. Plus a whole lot of plugins and add ons like resizing assets and handling redirects.

Just because they are free doesn’t mean they are inferior. If you do a speed test on them against a custom built solution I don’t think you see any difference. It will just take longer to maintain a custom built solution

Haven’t used Amplify but it sounds like it has automation that makes things a breeze with GitHub. And if you want to integrate with other AWS services then you can use that.