Here are two recommended commands based on what you get in GitHub Actions for a Python template.
- Stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names.
$ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- Exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide.
$ flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
I like to use those in a Makefile
such as here so that they are easy to use locally and in CI.
The arguments can be moved to a config as well.
See Configuring Flake8 guide.
Flake8 supports storing its configuration in the following places:
- Your top-level user directory.
- In your project in one of
, or.flake8
[flake8] ignore = E266,E402,E241
[flake8] ignore = D203 exclude = .git, __pycache__, docs/source/conf.py, old, build, dist max-complexity = 10
Max complexity is the number of linear paths allowed in a function - adding if/else statement for example increases this. See Cyclomatic complexity. The value of 10 is a starting point based on the docs.
I find it useful to ignore these:
. Since Black adds whitespace before a colon (e.g.rows[(-1 * preview) :]
but Flake8 gives an error.
Error status codes
The symbol associated with a specific check. For example, pycodestyle implements checks that look for whitespace around binary operators and will either return an error code of W503 or W504.
Using Flake8 gives error codes from Flake8 and the lower level PyCode project.
- Flake8 docs
- Error codes
- Flake8 errors start with
- PyCode style
- Error codes - linked from the Flake8 docs
errors -EXXX
warnings -WXXX
. It looks like these are mostly taken care of by using an IDE to format the code and not using any deprecated code patterns.100 indentation 200 whitespace 300 blank lines 400 imports 500 line length 600 deprecation 700 statements 900 syntax error
- Help:
$ python pycodestyle.py -h
F404 future import(s) name after other statements
E266 too many leading ‘#’ for block comment
E402 module level import not at top of file
E241 (*) multiple spaces after ‘,’
W606 ‘async’ and ‘await’ are reserved keywords starting with Python 3.7
# noqa: F123
abc = xyz() # noqa: F123
abc = (
"xyz" # noqa: F123
Note for the unused variable error specifically, you need to put the comment on the first line (where the variable name is).
abc = xyz( # noqa: F841
Ignore multiple rules
# noqa: E731,E123
Ignore whole file
Either add to your config or add this to the top of the file:
# flake8:noqa
Based on this answer that you cannot ignore a specific rule for a file like you can for other linters. This does not work as it ignores everything: # flake8: noqa: F401
Ignore a rule for a file by setting it in the Flake8 config:
per-file-ignores =
file1.py: F401
file2.py: E501
I tested this pattern also works with globstart:
per-file-ignores =
test_*: FS003
F-string format checking
If you have a f-string subsitution but no f
prefix, you can detect that. But you need a plugin and a flag.
pip install flake8-use-fstring
flake8 --enable-extensions=FS003
Note that is aggressive - detecting strings which don’t have variable subsitution but have a pair of {}
. You can ignore the rule for that line. Or you can make it a raw string, such as for regex.
Other formats
By default, the plugin will suggest perecent (%
) and format (.format
) substitution get used.
You can also add arguments based on the plugin’s docs to make them more aggressive.
If you want to ignore the rules, then add these to your Flake8 config:
formatting is used.FS002
formatting is used.