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Hash operations
# Get all fields and values of a hash
user = r.hgetall('user:1000')
print(user) # {b'name': b'John Doe', b'email': b'john@example.com', b'age': b'30'}
# Get the number of fields in a hash
count = r.hlen('user:1000')
print(count) # 3
# Get all field names
fields = r.hkeys('user:1000')
print(fields) # [b'name', b'email', b'visits']
# Get the value of a specific field
name = r.hget('user:1000', 'name')
print(name) # b'John Doe'
# Get values of multiple fields
values = r.hmget('user:1000', ['name', 'age'])
print(values) # [b'John Doe', b'30']
# Check if a field exists
exists = r.hexists('user:1000', 'email')
print(exists) # True
# Set a field.
r.hset('user:1000', 'visits', '10')
# Set a field only if it doesn't exist
r.hsetnx('user:1000', 'visits', '10')
# Set multiple fields as a dict.
mapping = {'name': 'John Doe', 'email': 'john@example.com', 'age': '30'}
r.hset('user:1000', mapping=mapping)
# Set multiple fields as list.
items = [
['name', 'John Doe'],
['email', 'john@example.com'],
['age', '30']
r.hset('user:1000', items=items)
# Mixed is also possible.
r.hset('user:1000', 'name', 'John Doe', mapping={'email': 'john@example.com', 'age': '30'})
# => {b'name': b'John Doe', b'email': b'john@example.com', b'age': b'30'}
# Increment the integer value of a field
r.hincrby('user:1000', 'visits', 1)
# Delete one or more fields
r.hdel('user:1000', 'age')