Prevent markdown from rendering certain styling, you can escape them. In the examples below the italics are part of a filename and italics styling is unwanted.

Escape with backticks

Code backticks escape any styling characters inside them.


Update the `_config.yml` file then run [``](


Update the _config.yml file then run

Escape text with backslash


Update the \_config.yml file then run \_\_init\_\


Update the _config.yml file then run

Escape the link text using backslash or backticks. The target does not need escaping.

Update the [\_config.yml](_config.yml) file.

Update the _config.yml file.

Dash not bullet point

> "Art is never finished, only abandoned."
> \- Leonardo da Vinci

β€œArt is never finished, only abandoned.”

- Leonardo da Vinci