Sign commits

Make sure have GPG keys set up first.

$ git rebase -i COMMIT_REF --exec 'git commit --amend -S --no-edit'

Rebase on main branch

$ git checkout my-branch
$ git pull --rebase upstream main
$ git push --force


$ git checkout my-branch
$ # This will update `origin/main` but not your local `main`.
$ git fetch 

$ # Put your branch's commit on top of main's.
$ git rebase origin/main
$ git push --force

Rebase fork onto original repo

Say you have a fork and are working on a feature branch.

Then you want to rebase onto the original repo’s main branch.

$ # Start off on origin.
$ git checkout my-branch

$ Add upstream if you haven' already.
$ git remote add upstream
$ # Put your commits on top of the upstream repo's.
$ git pull --rebase upstream main
$ git push --force