Edit the SSH config.

$ nano ~/.ssh/config

Add a host with your details. Spaces or tabs are fine.


Host web01
    HostName aws-ec2-www-server1.cyberciti.biz
    Port 22
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/AWS_EC2_Virginia_US_East_Ubuntu_Boxes.pem
    User ubuntu

Then use it with ssh command.

$ ssh web01


Host vs Hostname

The Host value is an alias which you use in the CLI.

Host my-alias
    HostName my-server.example.com
    User ubuntu

You can also omit Hostname and use that for your Host.

Host my-server.example.com
    User ubuntu

But, for VSCode Remote SSH extension I found the Host must be the real value and not an alias and also the Hostname must be set so the value can appear in Connections. See Getting started


Host my-server.example.com
    HostName my-server.example.com
    User mcurrin
    ServerAliveInterval 10
Host qa.my-server.example.com
    User mcurrin
    ServerAliveInterval 10

Identify file

Use specific SSH keys for a host such as GitHub.

Host github.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_abc

Then use git clone or similar as usual - that uses the ssh protocol internally.


If you use a bastion as an intermediate step, you can add a proxy so you don’t have to go through it explicitly.

Host bastprod
    HostName prod.bastion.example.com
Host my-server
    HostName prod.web.example.com
    ProxyCommand ssh bastprod -W %h:%p

Using a wildcard say for www0 and www1 servers.

Host www*.2u.com
    ProxyCommand ssh prod.bastion.example.com -W %h:%p
    ServerAliveInterval 10

Other fields

Host *
   ForwardAgent no

Send packets every few seconds to stop disconnecting from inactivity.

    ServerAliveInterval 10


The default behavior for SSH keys was modified in MacOS Sierra such that SSH keys will NOT automatically be added to the keychain.

The side effect of this is that you’ll be asked for your key password every time you try to connect to a remote host.

Host *
    UseKeychain yes
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

I came across this but didn’t have had to use it.

More examples

From article.

Host scotch
    HostName scotch.io
    User nick

Host example2
    HostName example.com
    User root

Host example3
    User userxyz123
    Port 56000

Host droplet1
    HostName droplet1.digitalocean.com
    User ec2-user
    IdentityFile /path/to/special/privatekey/droplet1.pem