Convert input data as CSV, JSON or YAML and output as CSV, JSON or YAML.


  • YAML support
  • One tool/entrypoint to do everything as its own repo
  • Formats could be recognized using the extensions.
  • Work with stdin and stdout as a unix tool, rather than handling file IO internally.


      #!/usr/bin/env python3
      Data type converter.
      Read data in data in CSV, JSON or YAML format, then output using desired type.
      Reading and writing a CSV only works with an array of dictionaries, to represent rows.
      The other types can use a dictionary instead at the top level.
      This tool is useful for example if you have a YAML or CSV file that you want to prepare as JSON file, 
      then you can serve it as a static JSON file so on an endpoint that acts as a read-only REST API.
      This can also be used as a reference or as a library for larger projects.
      Sample usage:
          >>> file_data = csv_in("in.csv")
          >>> json_out("out.json", file_data, True)
      import csv
      import json
      # Same as the default values, but without trailing spaces.
      JSON_SEPARATORS_MIN = (",", ":")
      def csv_in(path: str):
          Read CSV file and return a list of dictionaries.
          with open(path) as f_in:
              reader = csv.DictReader(f_in)
              data = list(reader)
          return data
      def json_out(path: str, data: str, pretty: bool):
          Write JSON data to given file path.
          :param pretty: If true, indent code and separate over multiple lines.
              Defaults to false, for a compressed file.
          if pretty:
              indent = JSON_INDENT_PRETTY
              separators = None
              indent = None
              separators = JSON_SEPARATORS_MIN
          with open(path, "w") as f_out:
              json.dump(data, f_out, indent=indent, separators=separators)


      #!/usr/bin/env python3
      Convert JSON to CSV.
      import csv
      import json
      def json_in(path: str):
          Read JSON file and return data.
          with open(path) as f_in:
              json_data = json.load(f_in)
          return json_data
      def csv_out(path: str, out_data: str):
          Write CSV data to given file path.
          fieldnames = list(out_data[0].keys())
          with open(path, "w") as f_out:
              writer = csv.DictWriter(f_out, fieldnames)
      def main():
          Command-line entry-point.
          json_data = json_in("response.json")
          out_data = json_data["products"]
          csv_out("out.csv", out_data)
      if __name__ == "__main__":

If you have any objects like a list or dict, they will be written out as stringified objects by the CSV writer.

If you need to get specific fields out of those objects, you can do this:

def main():
    out_data = json_in("response.json")

    for x in out_data:
        # Get needed out of objects and add to row.
        abc = x["abc"]
        x["abcStartDate"] = abc["startDate"]

        # Delete unneeded objects.
        del x["abc"]
        del x["def"]

    csv_out("out.csv", out_data)

If performance was an issue, you could move that logic to a function and then make a list comprehension.