
  • Makefile
          bundle config set --local path local vendor/bundle
          bundle install
      s serve:
          bundle exec jekyll serve --trace


This is based on the [Makefile][] in my Jekyll Blog Demo project.

  • Makefile
      default: install
      all: install build
      h help:
          @grep '^[a-z]' Makefile
          bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
          bundle install
          bundle update
      s serve:
          bundle exec jekyll serve --trace --livereload
          JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --trace



See an equivalent Jekyll Rakefile in the Ruby Rake recipes section.


See an equivalent Windows make.bat file below. This can presumably be run without make installed.

This was generated using the Make-to-Batch tool using Makefile as an input. This has not been tested but is included for interest and comparison.

make.bat ```bat @echo off SET JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --trace IF /I "%1"=="default" GOTO default IF /I "%1"=="h help" GOTO h help IF /I "%1"=="install" GOTO install IF /I "%1"=="upgrade" GOTO upgrade IF /I "%1"=="s serve" GOTO s serve IF /I "%1"=="build" GOTO build GOTO error :default CALL make.bat install GOTO :EOF :h help @grep '^[a-z]' Makefile GOTO :EOF :install bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle bundle install GOTO :EOF :upgrade bundle update GOTO :EOF :s serve bundle exec jekyll serve --trace --livereload GOTO :EOF :build JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --trace GOTO :EOF :error IF "%1"=="" ( ECHO make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. ) ELSE ( ECHO make: *** No rule to make target '%1%'. Stop. ) GOTO :EOF ```


Set up Jekyll to run in a container and use a Makefile to this easier to run. Those a Docker Compose file might be a more appropriate flow.

See Jekyll page in Containers section for more info.

  • Dockerfile
      FROM jekyll/jekyll:4
      CMD ["jekyll", "--help"]
      ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/jekyll/bin/entrypoint"]

You can use your own code in the Dockerfile, but this is a starting point that matches the behavior from running without a Dockerfile as:

$ docker run --name blog \
  -p 4000:4000 \
  -it jekyll/jekyll:4 \
  jekyll serve --trace

When the image gets built, it will run bundle install. When you run a container each time, it uses that image and a volume mount for your repo.

We use --rm to delete the contain each time, otherwise you’ll get an error that the container already exists with that name.

Here we use a make variable set with the Docker run command and arguments, so the command is easy to reuse.

  • Makefile
      APP_NAME = my_app
      DOCKER_RUN = docker run --rm \
          -p 4000:4000 \
          --volume "$(PWD):/srv/jekyll" \
          docker build --rm -t $(APP_NAME):latest .
      s serve:
      	$(DOCKER_RUN) jekyll serve --trace --livereload
          $(DOCKER_RUN) jekyll build --trace