Multiple fields

A metadata snippet to use on your site to describe the site metadata and how to get involved.

This can be used an includes file and used anywhere on your site - as long it is a markdown file and not an HTML layout.

{% include %}

This assumes site.baseurl is like /repo-name, to avoid storing repo name separately. This won’t work for Netlify projects though where baseurl is not set. Consider using the GitHub Metadata plugin, which is lighter than GitHub Pages plugin.

A variable can also be set at the start as github_url using capture or another string approach.

See a snippet in use in my Fractal theme:

Without a plugin

This uses local data, without requesting GitHub API. Note that “NWO” is name with owner. e.g. MyUsername/my-repo-name.

{% assign repo_nwo = site.github_username | append: site.baseurl %}

- Repo: [{{ repo_nwo }} ![Repo stars]({{ repo_nwo}}?style=social)]({{ repo_nwo }})
- Author: [{{ site.github_username }}]({{ repo_nwo }})
- Documentation: [GitHub docs]({{ repo_nwo }}/tree/master/docs/)
- Contribute: [GitHub contributing doc]({{ repo_nwo }}/blob/master/

Be sure to set the config as:

github_username: MyUsername

You do not have to set your repo name in the config. Jekyll will find the repo name (from the git remote set up when you cloned or pushed the repo) and make that available as site.baseurl, always with a leading forward slash.

e.g. /code-cookbook

This property is normally used for serving a site on a subpath on GH Pages, but it works well as repo name.

Using GH Metadata plugin

This uses the site.github field, which is populated with data fetched from GitHub API.

- Repo: [{{ site.github.repository_nwo }} ![Repo stars]({{ site.github.repository_nwo }}?style=social)]({{ site.repository_url }})
- Author: [{{ site.github.owner_name }}]({{ site.github.owner_url }})
- Documentation: [Docs directory]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/tree/master/docs/)
- Contribute: [Contributing doc]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/master/

This requires setting up a plugin as:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-github-metadata'


A fork to take the user to a page where the repo can be forked.

[Fork this repo]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/fork)


Requires use of the GH Metadata plugin.