Page URL
Get the page URL.
page.url | relative_url
Page URL as an array.
page.url | remove: '/index.html' | split: '/'
e.g. /foo/bar/index.html
becomes ['foo', 'bar']
Build up URL from that array.
{{ site.baseurl }}{% for crumb in crumbs limit: crumb_limit %}{{ crumb | append: '/' }}{% endfor %}
These are used in the next section.
Here is an improved form of the includes file here:
Add it as _includes/breadcrumbs.html
and call it as {% include breadcrumbs.html %}
It will split the current path into pieces and then capitalized each and then join using a separator.
Using a join
filter is not appropriate here because each item needs to have a lot of info to make it a link including build up the path for that piece of the crumb. There are two for
loops here over the same array.
Examples (using pipe instead of forward slash, for readability):
- Current page:
- Appearance:
Foo | Bar | Baz
- Links
/foo | /foo/bar | /foo/bar/baz/html
{% assign crumbs = page.url | remove: '/index.html' | split: '/' %} <div id="breadcrumbs"> {% comment %} This works best in Jekyll 4 where baseurl is prepended already. {% endcomment %} <a href="{% link %}">Home</a> {% for crumb in crumbs offset: 1 %} / {% if forloop.last %} {{ page.title }} {% else %} {% assign crumb_limit = forloop.index | plus: 1 %} <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{% for crumb in crumbs limit: crumb_limit %}{{ crumb | append: '/' }}{% endfor %}"> {{- crumb | replace: '-', ' ' | remove: '.html' | capitalize -}} </a> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div>
Here is an alternative form I’ve adapted for a project. The first two levels of the site (Home and categories listing) don’t show breadcrumbs.
{% assign crumbs = page.url | remove: '/index.html' | split: '/' %} {% if crumbs.size > 2 %} <div id="breadcrumbs"> {% for crumb in crumbs offset: 1 %} {% unless forloop.first %} / {% endunless %} {% if forloop.last %} {{ page.title }} {% else %} {% assign crumb_limit = forloop.index | plus: 1 %} <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{% for crumb in crumbs limit: crumb_limit %}{{ crumb | append: '/' }}{% endfor %}"> {{- crumb | replace: '-', ' ' | remove: '.html' | capitalize -}} </a> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> {% endif %}
Homepage link note
Note in Jekyll 4 this includes base URL:
{% link %}
But in Jekyll 3 you must do this:
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link %}
This can be used for most flexibility:
{{ '/' | relative_url }}
Note that for the crumbs section that the {{ site.baseurl }}
prefix should always be there. Note that relative_url
is not practical since the URL is built through a for
loop rather than a string.