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Handle outputting of JSON data
See also my gist - Build a REST API with Jekyll.
You can use .html
or .liquid
extension if you prefer.
Call like:
--- layout: null --- {% include to_json.json data=site.data.foo %}
Keys and values.
_include to_json.json
plain{{ include.data | jsonify }}
_include to_json.json
with a key.{ "data": {{ include.data | jsonify }} }
Values only
Iterate over a hash and use the values only, ignoring the keys.
_include to_json.json
{ "data": [ {%- for row in include.data %} [ {%- for field in row %} {{- field[1] | jsonify -}} {%- unless forloop.last %},{% endunless -%} {% endfor -%} ] {%- unless forloop.last %},{% endunless -%} {% endfor -%} ] }