Using Twitter API client package

Install this package.

Set your Twitter dev token on environment variables.

Set up this Node script and run it.

import { TwitterClient } from 'twitter-api-client';

 * Return Twitter API client connection object.
function setupConn() {
  const credentials = {
    apiKey: process.env.TWITTER_API_KEY,
    apiSecret: process.env.TWITTER_API_SECRET,
    accessToken: process.env.TWITTER_API_ACCESS_TOKEN,
    accessTokenSecret: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET,

  return new TwitterClient(credentials);

 * Post a given message to Twitter as the authenticated user
async function postTweet(api, message) {
  await api.tweets.statusesUpdate({ status: message });

 * Authenticate and post a tweet
async function tweet(message) {
  const api = setupConn();
  await postTweet(api, message);

(async function() {
  const message = "Hello, World!"

  await tweet(message)

Ideas to extend:

  • Randomize the message.
  • Take the message as a CLI parameter.
  • Put this code behind a Node express serve or serverless function, where message comes in on the endpoint. Note you’ll need to look up more advanced user-based auth if you want to tweet on behalf of a user on your app.