Sample from a pen which is linked to from the Single-File Component docs.

  • App.vue
        <div class="wrapper">
          <h1>My Todo List</h1>
          <form @submit.prevent="addTodo">
            <input type="text" name="todo-text" v-model="newTodoText" placeholder="New todo">
          <ul v-if="todos.length">
            <TodoItem v-for="todo in todos" :key="" :todo="todo" @remove="removeTodo"/>
          <p class="none" v-else>Nothing left in the list. Add a new todo in the input above.</p>
      import TodoItem from "./TodoItem.vue"
      let nextTodoId = 1
      const createTodo = text => ({
        id: nextTodoId++
      export default {
        components: {
        data() {
          return {
            todos: [
              createTodo("Learn Vue"),
              createTodo("Learn about single-file components"),
              createTodo("Fall in love ❤️")
            newTodoText: ""
        methods: {
          addTodo() {
            const trimmedText = this.newTodoText.trim()
            if (trimmedText) {
            this.newTodoText = ""
          removeTodo(item) {
            this.todos = this.todos.filter(todo => todo !== item)
      <style lang="stylus">
      *, *::before, *::after 
        box-sizing border-box
      html, body
        font 16px/1.2 BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
        padding 10px
        width 75%
        margin 0 auto
        margin-bottom 20px
        width 100%
        padding 10px
        border 1px solid #777
      ul, li
        margin 0
        padding 0
        color #888
        font-size small