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GraphQL schemas
Downloaded from the demo on FaunaDB app dashboard.
See FaunaDB cookbook and API Reference.
Endpoint: https://graphql.fauna.com/graphql
type Warehouse @collection(name: "warehouses") { name: String! address: Address! } type Product @collection(name: "products") { name: String! description: String! price: Float! warehouse: Warehouse! quantity: Int! backorderLimit: Int! backordered: Boolean! } type Customer @collection(name: "customers") { firstName: String! lastName: String! address: Address! telephone: String! creditCard: CreditCard! } type Order @collection(name: "orders") { customer: Customer! line: [ProductLine!]! status: String! creationDate: Time! shipDate: Time shipAddress: Address! creditCard: CreditCard! } type Address @embedded { street: String! city: String! state: String! zipCode: String! } type CreditCard @embedded { network: String! number: String! } type ProductLine @embedded { product: Product! quantity: Int! price: Float! } input SubmitOrderProductInput { productId: ID! quantity: Int! } type Query { allWarehouses: [Warehouse!]! @index(name: "all_warehouses") allProducts: [Product!]! @index(name: "all_products") allCustomers: [Customer!]! @index(name: "all_customers") allOrders: [Order!]! @index(name: "all_orders") } type Mutation { submitOrder(customerId: ID!, products: [SubmitOrderProductInput]): Order! @resolver(name: "submit_order") }
mutation { createWarehouse(data: { name: "East" address: { street: "13 Pierstorff Drive" city: "Washington" state: "DC" zipCode: "20220" } }){ _id } }
query { allWarehouses { data { _id name address { street city state zipCode } } } }