Dockerfile example

I use this at work to set up a certain version of Terraform. Note that apt does not provide Terraform.

I copy the entire git repo into the image.

FROM ubuntu

RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y -q git \
	wget \
	zip \


# TF v0.12.20
RUN wget
RUN	unzip
RUN mv terraform /usr/local/bin
RUN terraform version

COPY . /root

Docker hub example

As an alternative, you can use this Terraform container as a drop-in replacement for the terraform executable.

Then, in place of this:

$ terraform plan

You can use:

$ docker run --rm -i -t hashicorp/terraform:light plan

Use --rm to remove it on each run - otherwise you create an container each time which doesn’t get resused on the next run.

Or use a target version such as 0.12.20:

$ docker pull hashicorp/terraform:0.12.20