Function setup

Create these files then push to trigger a Netlify build.

  • netlify.toml. The build command must be set - the docs recommend a comment if you have nothing else.
        functions = "functions"
        command = "#"
  • functions/hello.js. (Or at functions/hello/index.js Or functions/hello/hello.js.)
      exports.handler = function (event) {
          const respData = {
            message: "Hello World"
            eventData: event
          return {
              statusCode: 200,
              body: JSON.stringify(respData)

Use query parameters like ?myParam=foo.

const myParam = event.queryStringParameters.myParam;


Then when deployed you query the Lambda at a path like /.netlify/functions/hello.

      {"message": "Hello World"}

Breakdown of the URL:

  • /.netlify/functions - this is a fixed path and cannot be configured.
  • hello is based on the JS script name.