Maybe you want to use MkDocs or a similar Python package to build a site or a docs site. Or maybe you want to use Python to get API or database data as a JSON file, before building your site with Jekyll, Node, or whatever.

Use Python

Set a Python script to be in your netlify.toml file’s build command.


  command = "python"
  publish = "build"

Or with MkDocs:

  command = "mkdocs build --strict"
  publish = "site"

I prefer to use a Makefile, so I can always run the same command locally and on Netlify.

  command = "make build"
  publish = "site"

Configure a new Python version

The default is Python 2.7.

Switch to Python 3 by doing the following.

1. Change image

Based on answer.

  1. Go to Deploy Settings
  2. Go to Build Image Selection
  3. Choose Ubuntu Focal 20, rather than the standard Ubuntu Xenial 18.

2. Set Python version

Do any one of these approaches to get Python 3.8. I tried with 3.9 but got an error.

  • Create runtime.txt in your repo root with 3.8 and no other text in it.
  • Set PYTHON_VERSION as 3.8 in environment variables.
    • The easiest is to do this on Netlify.
    • You can also do this in netlify.toml under environment field, but you also need to enable something in Netlify settings to allow environment variables to be used.
  • Set a Python version of 3.8 in your Pipfile if you use that instead of requirements.txt.

Deploy site

When you build your site, you’ll see output like, based on teh

3:18:05 PM: Python version set to 3.8