The MkDocs GH deploy command

That works locally and on GH Pages.

You can add this command to deploy a build and deploy it - all in one step. Optionally, use --force flag for force push.

$ mkdocs gh-deploy --strict

This will be used in samples below.



  1. The workflows installs Python and dependencies, as with any Python project.
  2. Then it runs a MkDocs CLI command to deploy, which you could run locally or remotely. This avoids having to use special action around GH Pages or MkDocs - as MkDocs itself knows how to deploy to GitHub Pages.


  • docs.yml
          name: Build and deploy docs
          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Checkout 🛎️
              uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Set up Python 3 ⚙️ 🐍
              uses: actions/setup-python@v2
            - name: Install dependencies 🔧
              working-directory: docs
              run: pip install -r requirements.txt
            - name: Build and deploy to GitHub Pages 🏗️ 🚀
              working-directory: docs
              run: mkdocs gh-deploy --strict

Cache and Makefile

See this for a live example using Makefile and dependency caching.

  • docs.yml in my mkdocs-quickstart project