See the actions/cache page in the Actions marketplace.

Note that it is recommended to have a lock file for this flow, though you don’t have to such as a the Python case.

General usage

  • main.yml
        - name: Cache
          uses: actions/cache@v2.0.0
          # A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore
          # An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache
          # An ordered list of keys to use for restoring the cache if no cache hit occurred for key
          restore-keys: # optional

Note restore-keys is usually set as a multi-line YAML string - of one or two lines. Not an array.


Based on the Examples in the action’s docs.


From the Node - NPM examples.

See NPM workflow recipes.


Use the cache option on setup-node action:

  • main.yml
        - name: Set up Node.js
          uses: actions/setup-node@v2
            node-version: '14.x'
            cache: 'npm'
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: npm install

Use cache action

The cache location will be ~/.npm on Unix/Posix. See NPM cache in the docs NPM docs.

  • main.yml
        - name: Get cached dependencies
          uses: actions/cache@v2
            path: ~/.npm
            key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
            restore-keys: |
              ${{ runner.os }}-node-
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: npm install

Make sure to use npm install and not npm ci - the latter will delete any node_modules directory that was retrieved from the cache and so will delete the point of using this Cache Action.

Use NPM config

If using npm config to retrieve the cache directory, ensure you run actions/setup-node first to ensure your npm version is correct.

For a code sample, see example.


From the Node - Yarn example.

This has an extra step compared with the NPM flow - it uses the yarn cache dir command to dynamically lookup a value like ~/.cache/yarn/v6.

  • main.yml
        - name: Get Yarn cache directory
          id: yarn-cache-dir
          run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
        - uses: actions/cache@v2
          id: yarn-cache
            path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir.outputs.dir }}
            key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
            restore-keys: |
              ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile

Yarn help on the use of the flag:

  • --frozen-lockfile - don’t generate a lockfile and fail if an update is needed


From Python - Pip example.

A simple example.

  • main.yml
        - uses: actions/cache@v2
            path: ~/.cache/pip
            key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('**/requirements.txt') }}
            restore-keys: |
              ${{ runner.os }}-pip-


  • You get cache already when using setup-ruby action.
  • Or you can use cache for more control.

See Ruby workflow recipes.