You need to add styling to the html element so it applies everywhere.

Use the special root selector for this - see CSS :root.

Set styling for light and dark cases. e.g.

:root.light-theme {
  --background-color-primary: #ffffff;
  --background-color-secondary: #eeeeee;
  --accent-color: var(--grey);
  --text-primary-color: #222;

:root.dark-theme {
  --background-color-primary: #1e1e1e;
  --background-color-secondary: #3f3f3f;
  --accent-color: #e4e4e4;
  --text-primary-color: #f3f3f3;

Then use JS to toggle your class on html as either light-theme or dark-theme value.

Using the root element:

document.documentElement.className = theme;

In this case we don’t have to worry about appending or removing from the class list, as we don’t want other styles on html and we want to switch between either one or the other class and not both at once.

If you want to append and remove.

if (darkMode) {
} else {

You can also use document.body instead in the CSS and JS, but the root element is preferred.

Get user preference

Read the user’s preference for light or dark mode, as set at the OS or browser level:

const LIGHT_THEME = "light-theme"; // or "light-mode"
const DARK_THEME = "dark-theme";

function browserPreferedTheme() {
  const preferDark = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
  return preferDark ? DARK_THEME : LIGHT_THEME;


See ThemeToggle.vue in my Vue project for a sample toggle, including use of localStorage.



  1. Dark mode state hook - useState.
  2. Apply the dark class - useEffect.
  3. Persist dark mode state - localStorage.
  4. Style for dark mode with CSS.

Here is some sample JS:

import { faMoon } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';

function App() {
  const [isDark, setIsDark] = React.useState(false)

  const onClick = () => {

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const ls = window.localStorage.getItem('dark-mode') ?? 'false'
    const v = JSON.parse(ls)
  }, [])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    document.documentElement.className = !isDark ? "dark-mode" : ""
    window.localStorage.setItem('dark-mode', JSON.stringify(isDark))
  return (
    <div className="app">
        <h1 className="title">Dark Mode Demo</h1>

      <button className="app__dark-mode-btn icon level-right" onClick={ onClick }>
        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={ faMoon } />

        My content here

Note that the first effect runs only on mount and unmount.

And the second runs whenever isDark changes.

After you have the value from local storage initially, you can use the value that is in React’s state. And when the user changes the value, you change the value in state using onClick and change the value in localStorage using the second effect.