
The tool that lets you manage and deploy pods of containers at scale

Wikipedia excerpt:

an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management

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Name origin

Kubernetes is commonly stylized as “K8s”.

In Greek it means “helmsman” or “pilot” or “governor”.

The word cybernetics has its root in “kubernetes”.

Logo origin

The original codename for Kubernetes within Google was Project 7, a reference to the Star Trek ex-Borg character Seven of Nine.

The seven spokes on the wheel of the Kubernetes logo are a reference to that codename.

Local dev

You can use minikube to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster.

You can enable the ingress and DNS addons and use something like dnsmasq to redirect DNS requests to *.localhost to the k8s DNS.

Encrypt secrets with sops and then commit them to the repo.

Project setup should just be clone the repo and install the Helm charts - everything you need should be in the repo (or you could store large files in S3 and put the bucket name/key in the repo).