a tag

Target attribute

<a href="#" target="_blank"></a>

Allowed values:

  • _blank - Opens the linked document in a new window or tab
  • _self - Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is the default)
  • _parent - Opens the linked document in the parent frame
  • _top - Opens the linked document in the full body of the window
  • framename - Opens the linked document in the named iframe

Open in a new tab

When a user clicks on a click, for the browser to open in a new tab.


On the anchor tag, set target="_blank".

You can also set rel to remove the referrer and access to window.opener.


<a href="http://example.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
    Link text


  • noopener

    This is especially useful when opening untrusted links, in order to ensure they cannot tamper with the originating document via the Window.opener property…

  • noreferrer

    … to omit the Referer header and otherwise leak no referrer information

In Kramdown in Jekyll:

[Alt text](https://example.com){:target="_blank"}

When to use this

When should you open in a new tab?

Don’t do it for internal links.

You can do it for internal links, but you may surprise the user.

Rather let then control-click or right-click and open new tab.

There’s a risk they’ll navigate away and never come back, but at least you haven’t opened a new tab for them unexpectly which can be annoying.

If you do use this for external links, add some kind of arrow signifier so they know a new tab will be opened. I can’t find a suitable emoji but you can find an icon on FontAwesome.