See Flexbox tutorial on W3 Schools.


From Flex on W3 Schools.

el {
  flex: 1;


el {
  flex: 25%;


  • flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis|auto|initial|inherit


Using flex together with media queries to create a different layout for different screen sizes/devices:

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.flex-item {
  flex: 50%;

@media (max-width: 800px) {
  .flex-item {
    flex: 100%;

The media query is for a responsive layout - makes a one column layout (100%) instead of a two-column layout (50%).

Though I think the idea with flexbox is that is responds to the device automatically so you donโ€™t have to set a breakpoint yourself.


Align content

The align-content property modifies the behavior of the flex-wrap property.

It aligns flex lines.

There must be multiple lines of items for this property to have any effect!

Align items

Aligns flex items.


Summary from flexbox froggy.

  • align-content determines the spacing between lines
  • align-items determines how the items as a whole are aligned within the container.

Jusify content

#pond {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  • flex-start: Items align to the left side of the container.
  • flex-end: Items align to the right side of the container.
  • center: Items align at the center of the container.
  • `space-between: Items display with equal spacing between them.
  • space-around: Items display with equal spacing around them.