
1. Add a submodule

Reference a git repo such as by GitHub or BitBucket URL. The repo name will be used by default, but you can set your own name for the path and a directory path if you need to.

$ git submodule add SUB_MODULE_URL
$ # Or
$ git submodule add SUB_MODULE_URL PATH

e.g. Add the awesomelibrary repo as a submodule in the outer repo root as awesomelibrary.

$ git submodule add

e.g. For a Hugo site, add the gohugo-theme-ananke repo to the themes directory as ananke.

$ git submodule add themes/ananke

Check the result:

$ git status
 new file:   .gitmodules
 new file:   awesomelibrary
  • .gitmodules file contents:
      [submodule "awesomelibrary"]
       path = awesomelibrary
       url =

Check the contents.

$ ls awesomelibrary

2. Commit

Commit the submodule changes.

$ git add .gitmodules awesomelibrary/
$ git commit -m "Add submodule"

3. Push

Then push to GitHub.

Note your submodule will appear with a hash reference next to it. And if you click from GitHub, you’ll go to that other repo.