How to handle conflicts.

You’ve started a merge or rebase and got a stuck. What now?


The set up.

$ git merge BRANCH
$ # OR
$ git pull
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
$ git status
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
  (use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)


You want to undo and go to a clean state.

$ git merge --abort

Fix up

Fix the conflicts. Save the files.

Then do:

$ git add PATH

If there are changes to add, that is fine, you can go to the next part.

Create a commit.

$ git commit


The set up.

$ git rebase -i COMMIT_REF
$ # OR
$ git rebase BRANCH
$ # OR
$ git pull --rebase


$ git rebase --abort

Skip commit

You want to drop the commit. Or after fixing up the conflicts, there is nothing to commit. So just skip.

$ git rebase --skip

Fix up

After fixing conflicts, saving files, then stage everything.

$ git add PATH

Then continue the rebase so it will go to the next commits in the history.

$ git rebase --continue

I think using git commit might work too.