
My commonly used commands for quick reference. Especially the command and flag combinations I frequently use or need to lookup or get confused with (e.g. do I use -r or -v on git branch, or was that git remote ?). Leaving out any which are already memorized or painfully obvious if you’re not a beginner.

Ideally this can all fit on a page especially by leaving out explanations and output or putting them in compressed setions. There can be links to other sections for more variations, or details on that subcommand.

I can also move commands off this list to a memorized list.

Add all

$ git add . -A

Remote full URLs

$ git remote -v

All branches

$ git branch -a

Compare commits

See Compare page.


$ git stash show -p


  • -u, --include-untracked


See diff command page.

$ git checkout feature
$ git diff HEAD..master