This is not a built-in command as you have to install it.

Install and run the git-filter-repo tool, which is linked from the git-filter-branch official docs as a better replacement.


Example from their docs, modified here for clarity. Note use of Python code for callbacks.

$ git filter-repo --email-callback '
  return b"" if email == b"old@localhost" else email

Take that further:

$ git filter-repo --name-callback '
  return b"New name" if name == b"Old name" else name

Based on a script in the repo:

# Update part of name
git filter-repo --name-callback "return name.replace(b\"N.\", b\"And\")" &&

# Update part of email.
git filter-repo --email-callback "return email.replace(b\".com\", b\".org\")"

# Set multiple fields. Note this is a simple case without conditional checks.
git filter-repo --commit-callback "
  commit.committer_name  = 'ABC'
  commit.author_name = 'ABC
  commit.committer_email = ''
  commit.author_email = ''