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Functional Component

If you are going to define a function using an object assigned to anonymous function, you can assign it a type.

By default, you’ll get props.children as an attribute.

import { FS } from 'react'

const Foo:FC = (props) => {
  return <>{ props.children }</>

But you can add your attributes to check them. And warn if they are unused.

import { FS } from 'react'

interfact FooProps {
  foo: number;
  bar: string;

const Foo:FC<FooProps> = (props) => {
  return <>{ } { }</>

Using the component.

<Foo foo={123} bar="abc" />

You can use useState like this - types will be inferred.

const Foo:FC<FooProps> = (props) => {
  const [data, setData] = useState('hello, world')