
Set the type of each parameter.

function foo(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b

And set optionally the return type - it it can be inferred from the functions called within, but you may want to enforce that the encounter function returns a certain type when the the internal functions change.

function foo(a: number): string {
  return fizz(a)

Optional types with ? must be last.

function foo(message: string, color = "blue", label?: string) {}

Convert to named arguments

function foo(message: string, color: string, label?: string) {}

Using VS Code to convert to a destructured object.

function foo({ message, color, label }: { message: string; color: string; label?: string; })

Note use of semicolons.

Note that simply using the last part would be valid:

{ message: string; color: string; label?: string; }

Although this looks like a case for breaking out a separate type or interface, especially if it is resuable.