
function foo(bar: { bazz: string }) {

// Note the semicolon.
function foo(): { a: string; b?: number } {


Define an interface then use it later.

interface Bar {
  bazz: string

function foo(bar: Bar) {

You can define in the file where it is used as above, or export it in a .d.ts type definitions file.

export interface Bar {
  bazz: string

Set an optional key:

interface Bar {
  bazz?: string

Make it read-only.

interface Bar {
  readonly bazz: string
interface Bar {
  bazz: string[] // array
  buzz: { [key: string]: string } // dictionary

You can extract a type from an interface.

interface Building {
  room: {
    door: string,
    walls: string[],

// string[]
type Walls = Building['room']['walls'];