
Choosing one

Type aliases and interfaces are very similar.

Type has more features, but most of their features are the same.

The key distinction is:

  • A type cannot be re-opened to add new properties.
  • An interface which is always extendable.

Which one to use? The docs say you can choose based on personal preference and the compiler will tell you if it needs something else. And gives a recommendation to you use interface (with fewer feature), until you need to use a feature specific to type.


Extend an interface

interface Animal {
  name: string

interface Bear extends Animal {
  honey: boolean

const bear = getBear()

Extend a type via intersections

type Animal = {
  name: string

type Bear = Animal & {
  honey: Boolean

const bear = getBear()

Combine two types.

type Name = {
  name: "string"

type Age = {
  age: number

type Person = Name & Age;

Combine two interfaces. You canโ€™t reverse this as an interface made of two types.

interface Name {
  name: "string"

interface Age {
  age: number

type Person = Name & Age;

Adding fields

Declare an interface multiple types and they will all be collapsed into one.

interface Window {
  title: string

interface Window {
  ts: import("typescript")

const src = 'const a = "Hello World"';
window.ts.transpileModule(src, {});

You get an error if you do that with types.

// Error: Duplicate identifier 'Window'.