From Types in the docs.



  • string: a sequence of Unicode characters representing some text, like "hello".
  • number: a numeric value. The number type can represent both whole numbers like 15 and fractional values like 6.283185.
  • bool: a boolean value, either true or false. bool values can be used in conditional logic.


  • list<TYPE> a sequence of values, like ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1c"]. Elements in a list or tuple are identified by consecutive whole numbers, starting with zero.
  • tuple([<TYPE>, ...]) - same as list but frozen.
  • set(<TYPE>)
  • map<TYPE, TYPE> (or object): key-value pairs. {name = "Mabel", age = 52}.
  • object({<ATTR NAME> = <TYPE>, ... })


variable "my_var" {
  type        = list(string)
  default     = ["abc"]


  • null - a value that represents absence or omission.