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Working with plans in TF
- Plan commands docs.
Generate plan on the console output with colors.
$ terraform plan
Or if you want to persist the plans.
$ mkdir -p plans
Write out to human-readable plain text file.
$ terraform plan --no-color > plans/foo.txt
Use &>
instead of >
to include stderr
We strip colors to avoid messages like [0m[1m[32mNo changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.[0m[32m
Write out binary plan file.
$ terraform plan -out plans/foo.tfplan
That can be viewed using:
$ terraform show plans/foo.tfplan
For JSON output:
$ terraform show -json <planfile>
From JSON Format TF doc.
You can apply a plan directly, which saves TF doing a plan internally within the apply step.
$ terraform apply plans/foo.tfplan
Or for a target directory.
$ terraform apply DIR