
Based on docs.

Use either SUBSTR or SUBSTRING function.

In SQLite, SUBSTRING is just an alias.

With 2 or 3 arguments.

  • SUBSTR(X, Y)
  • SUBSTR(X, Y, Z)

Pass in a string, starting position, and optional count of characters. This constrasts with other programming characters where you might give the end index rather.

Note numbering starts at 1.



// Unchanged.
SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", 1);
// abcdef

// Remove from end by getting first N characters.
SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", 1, 3);
// abc

// Remove from start by skipping first.
SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", 2);
// bcdef

Get characters at the end.

SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", LENGTH("abcdef")); // i.e. Start at last or 6th character
// f

SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", LENGTH("abcdef") - 1); // i.e. Start at 2nd last character.
// ef

Get the middle of the string by setting a start offset and a limit.

SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", 2, 3);

Trim one character from both ends.

SELECT SUBSTR("abcdef", 2, LENGTH("abcdef") -2); // i.e. get 6 - 2 = 4 characteers
// bcde

Obfuscate a string (like ID or credit card number) by keeping the first 4 and last 4 characters and replacing the middle with X character.

SUBSTR(`ID number`, 1, 4)
  || REPLACE(PRINTF('%.' || (LENGTH(`ID number`) - 8) || 'c', '/'), '/', 'X')
  || SUBSTR(`ID number`, LENGTH(`ID number`) - 3)


  • TRIM(X)
  • TRIM(X, Y)

The trim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from both ends of X. If the Y argument is omitted, trim(X) removes spaces from both ends of X

Truncate text

Here, if a value is 10 or more characters long, get the first 10 characters and then add an ellipsis (“…”).

  WHEN LENGTH(name) >= 10
  THEN SUBSTR(name, 0, 11) || "..."
  ELSE name
END AS name


From SO for SQLite.

SELECT REPLACE(PRINTF('%.' || 5 || 'c', '/'), '/', 'My string ');
// My string My string My string My string My string 

Or this, which didn’t work for me but had higher votes.

replace(substr(quote(zeroblob((Y + 1) / 2)), 3, Y), '0', X)

In other languages, try REPEAT.