Check file

If a file exists:

if [[ -f .env ]]; then
  cat .env

If it does not exist:

if [[ ! -f .env ]]; then
  echo 'File is missing: .env'

See Bash cheatsheet for more info.

Check if variable is set

Abort the script if a check evaluates to false. Here we see if a variable is set.

Using -z for empty.


if [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]]; then
  echo 'MY_VAR must be set'
  exit 1

Use -n for not empty.

$ [[ -n "$MY_VAR" ]] && echo "Value is set"

Note the brackets are needed, otherwise on a true evaluation of the first condition, the exit will still run.

Using exit is good for a script and not for direct terminal use otherwise you will close the terminal tab.

Or in multiple lines.

if [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]]; do
  echo 'MY_VAR must be set'
  exit 1

Check if root user

if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ]; then
  echo 'I am not root'

Check if value in PATH

Check if $HOME/.deno/bin is in the PATH variable.

[[ "$PATH" == *$HOME/.deno/bin* ]] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'

Check if installed

if command -v node >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  echo 'Node is installed'

Show an error and exit if a command is not available.

if ! command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1;; then
  echo 'Please install `curl` and try again'
  exit 1

Check if in Git repo

error () {
  echo "ERROR: $1"
  exit 1

if [[ ! -d .git ]]; then
  error "Must be in the root of a Git repository."