I had an issue where the WSL date and time was out by about a day, while the Windows host was fine.

Check the value is correct with:

> date
Mon Oct 30 22:24:21 CET 2023

HW Clock

I found this on Rix AI tool and it worked for me:

$ sudo hwclock -s


Install ntpdate:

sudo apt install ntpdate

Then run to sync with a public NTP server

sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org

Or add a cron job to sync periodically:

* * * * * sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org

Alternatively, based on GitHub:

sudo ntpdate time.windows.com
sudo service hwclock.sh reload

Restart WSL

wsl --shutdown

GitHub issue

The datetime going out of sync was reported in 2020 - #5324.

Here is a comment in 2023:

For those who are still struggling in October 2023, doing both of the following will solve the problem and save you from manually syncing every time.

But I agree it is still a bug.