
Send stderr and stdout to different files

$ COMMAND > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt

Send stderr to stdout

Send any error output to the same place as where stdout is going.

$ COMMAND 2> &1

This is not so useful in itself when just running in the console alone. But more useful when using crontab, tee or writing to a file.

Write stderr and stdout to the same file

$ COMMAND &> stdout_and_sterr.txt

Or more verbosely. Send stdout to a file and then send stderr there too.

$ COMMAND > stdout_and_sterr.txt 2> &1

Apparently supported in all shells.

From question.

Append output

Append just stdout to a file.

$ COMMAND >> stdout_and_sterr.txt

Append stdout and stderr to a file.

$ COMMAND >> stdout_and_sterr.txt 2> &1

From SO question

Hide all output from a command

$ COMMAND &> /dev/null


$ COMMAND > /dev/null 2> &1


if command -v node &> /dev/null; then
  echo 'Node is installed!'
  echo 'Node is not installed :('

Store file contents as a variable

$ CONTENT=$(< file.txt)

Write multi-line content to file

This is useful for adding instructions in docs to copy and paste a comamnd.

$ cat << EOF > hello.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  printf("Hello, world!\n");

See the Strings Shell cheatsheet for more info on a Heredoc.