psql is a powerful, interactive terminal interface for PostgreSQL, enabling database management and SQL query execution.

See Postgres cheatsheet.


See PostgreSQL Documentation for installation instructions.

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-client


       psql - PostgreSQL interactive terminal


       psql [OPTIONS] [-c COMMAND | -f FILE] [DBNAME [USERNAME]]

Bash shell usage

Connect to a database

Connect to a PostgreSQL database:

$ psql -d dbname -U username

Import SQL file

Execute commands from a SQL file:

$ psql -d dbname -U username -f filename.sql

PSQL interactive mode usage

List databases

List all available databases:

# \l

Connect to a database from within psql

Switch to another database from within psql:

# \c dbname

List tables

List all tables in the current database:

# \dt

Describe table

Show the structure of a table:

# \d tablename

Execute a SQL query

Execute a SQL query:

# SELECT * FROM tablename;

Quit psql

Exit the psql interface:

# \q

Get help

Show help on psql commands:

# \?

Show SQL command history

Display the history of executed SQL commands:

# \s

Set output format

Set the output format to aligned, unaligned, or HTML:

# \a       # Aligned
# \t       # Unaligned
# \H       # HTML

Export query results

Export the result of a query to a file:

# \o filename
# SELECT * FROM tablename;
# \o

Edit command in editor

Open the current command in a text editor for modification:

# \e