A built-in function to exit early and return an exit status.

Where to run

This can be used

  • in the CLI
  • in a function.
  • in a script outside a function, but only if run with source SCRIPT. This is similar to running as exit.

Otherwise you get this error:

return: can only return from a function or sourced script

If you want to return output from a function, use echo rather - see Functions.




Same as above but explicit.

return 0


Similar to exit 1 but wonโ€™t abort scrit.

return 1



Inside a function with a return, the script continues.

  • foo.sh
      abc() {
        echo 'line 1'
        return 0
        echo 'line 2'
      echo "Function exit status $?"
      echo 'line 3'

Run as:

$ bash foo.sh

This will print

line 1
Function exit status 0
line 3

If you use 1 or another integer for return, you get that.

line 1
Function exit status 1
line 3

Global with source

  • `foo.sh
      echo 'line 1'
      return 0
      echo 'line 2'
      echo 'line 3'

Run in the CLI:

$ source foo.sh
line 1

Note the exit status now will be the return value. So these are similar:

  • return 0 - exit 0
  • return 1 - exit 1