
Update Rust with Rustup

$ rustup update

Compile and run apps with Rustc


$ rustc

Execute the binary output file:

$ # On Unix.
$ ./file
> # On Windows.
> file.exe

Or compile and run - in one line:

$ # On Unix.
$ rustc && ./file


Automatic code formatter.

$ cargo fmt


Linting to catch common API misuses and unidiomatic code.

$ cargo clippy

Manifest commands

Note that Rust packages are not stored in your project itself, but in a global cache directory.


Check the dependency graph.

$ cargo tree

Install project packages

Here, I’ve manually added the rand crate, which is currently on top the most-downloaded Crates list.

rand = "0.8.0"

If you don’t know the version, just leave as "". You’ll see the version logged next.

To download and install packages on your dependencies list, run one of:

$ cargo build
$ cargo run



cargo-update - Update dependencies as recorded in the local lock file

This will install any missing crates listed in Cargo.toml dependencies and will also upgrade packages and save changes in the lockfile.

$ cargo update

For example, using:

rand = "0.8.0"

This crate and its dependencies will get added to the lockfile. But they will not be installed until your run build or run.

$ cargo update
    Updating index
      Adding cfg-if v1.0.0
      Adding getrandom v0.2.2
      Adding libc v0.2.84
      Adding ppv-lite86 v0.2.10
      Adding rand v0.8.3
      Adding rand_chacha v0.3.0
      Adding rand_core v0.6.1
      Adding rand_hc v0.3.0
      Adding wasi v0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1

Additionally, if you remove a package from your Cargo.toml list of dependencies, then running cargo update will also remove unneeded packages in your Cargo.lock file.


$ cargo run
$ cargo r
$ cargo run src/

That will create the target directory and add intermediate files to it.

This step will also download and install any missing packages.



This is faster than doing build command.

$ cargo check

It will install dependencies If you removed a package from Cargo.toml, this comamnd will also remove the unnecessary dependencies from the lockfile.

Build package

  • cargo build

    Compile the current package

This will download and install any missing packages and compile your app to an output directory - target by default.

$ cargo build

Run the output binary in a debug directory.

Hello, World!

Do a production-optimized build.

$ cargo build --release

Run the output binary in a release directory.

Hello, World!

Cargo is a package manager, not a compiler. It runs the Rustc compiler for you (with a lot of options) and does some extra work (e.g. resolves dependencies and check if the compile step should run).

  • --target TARGET - Directory for all generated artifacts and intermediate files. Defaults to target directory. Can be overridden as a flag or env variable or config option.
  • --out-dir OUT - Copy final artifacts to this directory. Unstable and only on nightly channel.


Output a binary using rustrc compiler. This useful if you have a Rust project which is not structured for distribution as a Cargo pacakge.

The cargo build command will run the rustc compiler internally.

Compile the main script - this will output as main in the project root.

$ rustc src/

Run the output binary:

$ ./main
Hello, World!

Output to custom path.

$ rustc src/ -o build/rust-project-template
$ build/rust-project-template
Hello, World!


Generate HTML docs from your code.

$ cargo doc

Check the contents:

$ ls target/doc

Notable HTML paths in doc:

  • rust_project_template/index.html
  • rust_project_template/

Build docs and open the browser automatically.

$ cargo doc --open

The full path to the index.html on disk is used.

e.g. /Users/mcurrin/repos/rust-project-template/target/doc/rust_project_template/index.html

Relative paths are used for assets - e.g. href="../normalize.css".

This doc sites does’t seem to need a web server to run. In fact, if you start a web server in doc/rust_project_template, you’ll be unable to load assets on level up. So you will have to start a web server in doc where there is no index.html file, then navgiate to /rust_project_template/.