
$ bundle info GEM [OPTIONS]

Show gem info

$ bundle info minima
  * minima (2.5.1)
	Summary: A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
	Path: /Users/mcurrin/repos/_static-sites/jekyll-blog-demo/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/minima-2.5.1

Show gem path

$ bundle info minima --path

This replaces the now deprecated bundle show GEM.


Open the source directory of the given gem.

$ bundle open GEM

That will use your default folder browser.

But, this depends on your system default open program.

Using nano, I get an error that the path is directory and that is canโ€™t open it.

$ bundle open minima

For more control, get the path first and pass that to a program like VS Code, Sublime or Finder.

To open in VS Code:

$ code $(bundle info minima --path)