Configure groups in Gemfile and then selectively install them.

Typically you’ll use no group, test, developer or production.

And you’ll select using without. I don’t see the point of with, as a group will be installed by default even if not in with.

Set up Gemfile

From Groups doc.

The examples are for setting up a Gemfile. You can also do this from the CLI - see install cheatsheet.

Set up development and test gems

  • Gemfile
      # These gems are in the :default group
      gem 'nokogiri'
      gem 'sinatra'
      gem 'wirble', group: :development
      group :test do
      gem 'faker'
      gem 'rspec'
      group :test, :development do
      gem 'capybara'
      gem 'rspec-rails'
      gem 'cucumber', group: [:cucumber, :test]

Set up production gems

  • Gemfile
      source ''
      gem 'rails', '3.2.2'
      gem 'rack-cache', require: 'rack/cache'
      gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.4.2'
      group :development do
      gem 'sqlite3'
      group :production do
      gem 'pg'

Install from Gemfile

After setting up your Gemfile as in the section above, you can run use bundle with the config and install subcommands to install those groups.


Target production and ungrouped gems only.

$ bundle config set --local without test development

Or target test, development and ungrouped gems only.

$ bundle config set --local without production


Then when you run

$ bundle install

You won’t get the excluded groups.

Config values


$ bundle config set --local without 'test'

Then see:

  • .bundle/config
      BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "test"


Don’t use the deprecated --with or --without flags, which was like this:

$ bundle install --without test development