
An overview of the main naming styles in use.

  • snake_case - see Wikipedia
  • SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE - i.e. all caps, with underscores.
  • camelCase - see Wikipedia
  • PascalCase
  • kebab-case


Language Variable Function Class
Bash SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE snake_case n/a
Python, Ruby, C snake_case snake_case PascalCase, but n/a for C
JavaScript, Java, PHP camelCase, or $camelCase for PHP camelCase PascalCase
Go camelCase PascalCase (public) or camelCase (private) n/a

Where there is no class keyword in the language, then n/a is set.

In Golang, the leading leader determines whether a function or type is exported or not.


type FooPublic struct {}
type barPrivate struct {}


  • Not covered in the table is global constants, which is mostly using SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
  • For filenames, kebab-case used sometimes but usually it is snake_case like for Python, Ruby or Bash. JavaScript is usually camelCase, though module which contains only a class is named after that e.g. MyClass.js contains MyClass. In React your have Component.jsx and in Vue it is MyComponent.vue.
  • In HTML/CSS/JS, an element ID or class is usually named with kebab-case.