About the Remote Theme plugin

This allows installing of themes from GitHub.

This is specifically used on GitHub Pages for installing extra themes. But outside of GitHub Pages you can just these the standard theme field.

benbalter - jekyll-remote-theme

Jekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any public GitHub-hosted theme


For a live example, see gh-pages branch of my Jekyll Theme Quickstart repo, which builds a site using the theme gem on the master branch.

1. Add to Gemfile

Update your project’s dependencies.

  • Gemfile
      source "https://rubygems.org"
      group :jekyll_plugins do
        gem "jekyll-remote-theme", "0.4.2"

You do not need to add the actual theme to your Gemfile. It will be downloaded by the plugin at build time, when running jekyll build or jekyll serve.

But, if you get any errors because you do not have the theme’s dependencies installed, you can install the dependencies by adding the theme to your Gemfile and then running bundle install.


gem 'minima', git: 'https://github.com/MichaelCurrin/minima'

The Remote Theme plugin’s are themes are stored in a temporary directory like this, which you’d see on some errors:

  • /private/var/folders/vb/8rb6p.../T/jekyll-remote-theme-20201121-3213-1ngu5z4/

2. Add to config

Update your project’s config. Enable the plugin and pass it a repo as USERNAME/REPO_NAME.

  • _config.yml
      remote_theme: foo/bar


  • Note the underscore in remote_theme - the Jekyll commands will fail quietly if you incorrectly use a dash.
  • For example, you can use:
      remote_theme: MichaelCurrin/jekyll-theme-quickstart
  • You can also add a tag in the theme. e.g. foo/bar@v1.0.0 or foo/bar@develop.
  • You do not need to set the theme field. However, that might be better option if it works - since remote theme plugin runs on every build which is not nice for large themes.

3. Install project gems

$ bundle install