Page not found

Prevent path from being404/index.html when using permalink: pretty in config.

permalink: /404.html

Hide from sitemap. This is only necessary when using pretty, as it will be ignored normally.

sitemap: false

Custom robots

If you use the Jekyll Sitemap plugin, you will automatically get a robots file on both prod and dev build.

You can create a custom file. The layout must be null otherwise it will use default layout with too much HTML.

layout: null
User-agent: *
Sitemap: {{ site.url }}/sitemap.xml

You might also need sitemap: false.


Using Jekyll Sitemap plugin, the sitemap.xml file is created on prod and dev builds, but the url in the config will only be used on a prod build. Otherwise it will just be localhost in the sitemap.


Set default layout for all pages. Is this needed - isnโ€™t default the default? See artists-portfolio repo.

  - scope:
      path: ""
      layout: "default"
      text_width: true
  - scope:
      path: "index.html"
      text_width: false

Here, the pages at all levels get certain layout. And everything else defaults to page layout. Anything else is set on a page itself.

  - scope:
      path: "**/"
      layout: "listing"
  - scope:
      path: ""
      layout: "page"

Markdown in HTML

In a .html layout file, you can use markdownify to turn markdown into HTML.


    {{ 'GitHub repo: [MichaelCurrin/cheatsheets ![Repo stars](](' | markdownify }}
