
Set frontmatter.

title: My post
categories: abc

Use spaces not commas. Use a hyphen if you want multiple words.

categories: abc def-ghi xyz

Or use the path instead.

  • _posts/foo/2021-01-01-my-title.html

Get categories

{% for c in site.categories %}
- {{ c[0] }}
{% endfor %}

Get categories and their posts

Unpack a hash where c[0] is the key (the category name) and c[1] is the value (the array of posts).

    {% for c in site.categories %}
            {{ c[0] }}
                {% for p in c[1] %}
                        <a href="{{ p.url | relative_url }}">
                            {{ p.title }}
                {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}


  • abc
    • My title
    • My next title
  • def
    • Another title

Or leave out the other bullet list and make the category and H3 heading.

Get posts in target category

{% for p in limit: 3 %}
- {{ p.title }}
{% endfor %}