
You can create a new array from an existing array or from a string that you split.

But you cannot create an empty array as []. But, you can split an empty string. Or you can define an array in your frontmatter and then use that.

Define an array in frontmatter or a YAML file as:

foo: ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 123, true ]

# Or
 - abc
 - def
 - ghi
 - jkl
 - 123
 - true

Note that the YAML processor will treat booleans and numbers as those types, if not quoted.


{{ my_array | first }}

{{ my_array[0] }}

{% assign my_var = my_array[0] %}

{{ my_array | last }}

Note - returns an array containing the one element.

{{ my_array | slice: 0 }}


See filters:

  • push
  • pop
  • unshift
  • shift


my_array = []

{% assign my_array | push: 'abc' %}

{% assign my_array | push: 'def' %}

{{ my_array | inspect }}

<!-- ['abc', 'def'] -->