See Reactivity Fundamentals in the Vue docs.

Declaring reactive state

To create a reactive state from a JavaScript object, we can use a reactive method:

import { reactive } from 'vue'

const state = reactive({
  count: 0

Create standalone reactive values as refs

Imagine the case where we have a standalone primitive value (for example, a string) and we want to make it reactive.

Of course, we could make an object with a single property equal to our string, and pass it to reactive.

Vue has a method that will do the same for us - it’s a ref:

import { ref } from 'vue'

const count = ref(0)

ref will return a reactive and mutable object that serves as a reactive reference to the internal value it is holding - that’s where the name comes from.

This object contains the only one property named value:

import { ref } from 'vue'

const count = ref(0)
console.log(count.value) // 0

console.log(count.value) // 1