
  esbuild [options] [entry points]


Some common flags:

Flag Description
--minify Minify the output. See Minifiers guide for more info.
--bundle Bundle all dependencies into the output files.
--sourcemap Emit a source map. This will be like
--outfile=PATH The output file name or path. For one entry-point. Path to write to e.g. bundle.min.js or build/bundle.min.js.
--outdir=PATH The output directory. For multiple entry points. Directory to write file to e.g. build. The filename will be based on the input filename. If you have one entrypoint, this flag is not so useful - rather set --outfile and give it a fullpath of directory and filename.

Warnings - you’ll get an error if:

  • You use a space instead an equals sign.
  • You use outfile and outpath together.

Some more flags:

Flag Description
--summary Print some helpful information at the end of a build
--serve=... Start a local HTTP server on this host:port for outputs
--watch Watch mode: rebuild on file system changes


From the CLI help.

# Produces dist/entry_point.js and dist/
esbuild --bundle entry_point.js --outdir=dist --minify --sourcemap

# Allow JSX syntax in .js files
esbuild --bundle entry_point.js --outfile=out.js --loader:.js=jsx

# Substitute the identifier RELEASE for the literal true
esbuild example.js --outfile=out.js --define:RELEASE=true

# Provide input via stdin, get output via stdout
esbuild --minify --loader=ts < input.ts > output.js

# Automatically rebuild when input files are changed
esbuild app.ts --bundle --watch

# Start a local HTTP server for everything in "www"
esbuild app.ts --bundle --servedir=www --outdir=www/js